Activist with "All Eyes On You, Congress" sign
“All Eyes On You, Congress” at Farmers for Climate Action: Rally for Resilience (Photo © Lise Metzger)

Blog | September 18, 2023

Take Action on the Farm Bill!

by Hannah Tremblay

Right now, Congress is writing the next Farm Bill. This piece of policy affects almost every aspect of our food system; it’s a critical time to tell our representatives what we want to see included. Below are some actions you can take to advocate for a better Farm Bill. These campaigns come from our partners who will be at the HOMEGROWN Village at Farm Aid 2023. If you’re in Noblesville with us, be sure to stop by and show your support!

Support farmer-led climate solutions in the Next Farm Bill

Tell Congress to support farmer-led climate solutions in this bill. What does that mean? It means valuing and supporting the expertise of farmers whose long-developed, holistic, sustainable systems address climate concerns and many related environmental challenges. Our partners at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) also have a tool that allows you to take action by sharing a social media story with your legislator. Check it out here.

Support land access for young and BIPOC farmers

Land access, retention, and transition are critical to the success of agriculture. Yet, access to land is the number one challenge facing young farmers in the United States. The National Young Farmers Coalition have helped introduce the Increasing Land Access Opportunities and Security Act, a piece of legislation that would fund powerful, community-led solutions to the land access crisis facing the new generation of young and BIPOC farmers through the 2023 Farm Bill. Information about this bill and their other campaigns to support young farmers can be found here.

Protect farm animals in the 2023 Farm Bill

It’s time for Congress to loosen industrial agriculture’s grip on the Farm Bill. Congress must pass a Farm Bill that reforms our farming system and reflects Americans’ concern and compassion for the billions of animals raised for food each year. Congress also has the power to fold other bills—including the Farm System Reform Act and the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act—into the Farm Bill. This is a huge opportunity to build a better world for farm animals and rein in industrial farming’s negative impacts on the environment, workers, farmers, rural communities and your family’s health. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has a tool that allows you to send a pre-drafted email to your members of Congress, urging them to include measures that protect farm animals in the 2023 Farm Bill.

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